Saturday, January 2, 2010

Severe Endometriosis Chances Of Pregnancy With Severe Endometriosis?

Chances of Pregnancy with Severe Endometriosis? - severe endometriosis

I'm running out of hope of becoming pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for some time now and still no luck. Recently I had an exploratory laparoscopy to see if there was endometriosis and a lot, I think. My doctor told me it was very, very seriously. I'm only 23 and my husband 26, we have a chance of getting pregnant with my medical records?


littlest... said...

Well, of course, not so good, however, raise the operation, the chances considerably. In vitro fertilization could also be their chance, as a rate of almost 30% of pregnancy with age. The younger they are, the more likely that IVF will work!

littlest... said...

Well, of course, not so good, however, raise the operation, the chances considerably. In vitro fertilization could also be their chance, as a rate of almost 30% of pregnancy with age. The younger they are, the more likely that IVF will work!

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